Fundamentals of Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
期間 |
3日間 |
時間 |
9:30~17:30 |
価格(税込) | 214,500円(税込) |
主催 |
形式 |
講義+演習 |
コースコード |
AMC0121R |
- 21 PDU (Business Acumen)
This course is delivered in English.
対象者 |
・This program is designed for non-financial managers in every functional area of responsibility in all industries.
前提条件 |
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher
Financial skills are fundamental to any managerial position. Learn how to think finance, and you’ll expand your career opportunities. From accruals to write-offs to receivables and payables, this workshop shows non-financial managers the concepts, tools, and techniques that can help make each decision pay off―on the job and on the bottom line. You didn’t get to this point in your career only to be held back by weak financial skills. This program for non-financial managers makes the basics of finance accessible to anyone in just 3 days.
*Please bring a calculator and a copy of your annual report (if available).
● Get a firm grasp of the numbers side of your job ● Gain greater confidence with a working knowledge of business financials ● Learn how to “think finance” and translate performance into financial terms ● Cultivate proactive working relationships with finance professionals and enhance ● your value to the organization ● Understand the business dynamics of dollars and cents―and take initiatives that ● meet your short- and long-term goals ● Take the guesswork out of your decision making and deliver a better bottom line ● Expand your professional expertise―and your career opportunities
1. Learning Objectives
2. Basic Accounting Concepts
3. Understanding Financial Statements
4. Reviewing an Annual Report
5. Evaluating a Company’s Financial Statements
6. Improving Profitability Through Cost Analysis and Profit Planning
7. Capital Expenditure Analysis
8. Budgeting More Effectively
Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.
・本研修は、クインテグラル株式会社の主催コースです。 ・本研修の申込後、締切日を過ぎたキャンセル、日程変更はキャンセル料として受講料の全額をお支払いいただきます。 ・締切日の設定は以下の通りです。締切日が当社休業日の場合は、直前の営業日までとなります。 キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前 日程変更は同一コースにつき1回限りです。
・We may jointly use personal information with our subsidiary Quintegral Ltd. for the purpose of providing our training services and events. |