ホーム > Management Skills for Administrative Professionals

Management Skills for Administrative Professionals

期間  2日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込)  148,500円(税込) 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0130R


  • 14 PDU (Power Skills)


This course is delivered in English. 


● For those who are attending Live Online seminar, a hard copy of assessment will be sent to the address registered for this course prior to the seminar.
● Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.


・Experienced administrative professionals, including executive secretaries, administrative assistants, secretaries or other members of the administrative support staff who need to expand their management skills so they can better support their organization and enhance their careers.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


Enhance your performance with management and leadership capabilities.

Your immediate takeaway
• Effectively manage changing responsibilities
• Communicate and negotiate with confidence
• Apply management and leadership skills to achieve continuous improvement

The support you provide as an administrative professional is vital to your organization’s ability to achieve its goals and objectives. Today, most senior managers expect you to have leadership and management skills in order to set your own administrative priorities. In addition, you must have skills to manage all contacts, create, store and retrieve documents, plus a broad variety of other administrative skills. To do all of this successfully, you need to have strategic insight and be able to innovate better processes. At the same time, you must be tactical, process-oriented, and driven toward continuous improvement.
This comprehensive seminar gives you a wide range of skills to help you handle any work challenge with greater confidence and effectiveness. Leave with an action plan of best practices to apply immediately on the job.
● Manage changing roles and responsibilities whether working with bosses, peers, team members or customers
● Meet dynamic work expectations by expanding your proactive capabilities
● Clearly and confidently communicate and negotiate to manage conflicts and achieve results
● Apply emotional intelligence and effective listening practices to your job
● Use strategic diplomacy to handle office politics, difficult people and demanding situations
1. Manage Change

2. Manage Roles, Responsibilities and Team Work

3. Manage Time and Priorities

4. Manage Relationships and Communication

5. Managing Negotiations and Conflicts

6. Action Plan

Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


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