ホーム > Virtual Communication Workshop

Virtual Communication Workshop

期間  2日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込) 1社様向け 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0205R


  • 14 PDU (Power Skills)


This course is delivered in English.


This program is for In-house delivery or contents. Please contact us for details.


・This course is designed for all professionals who want to build new digital habits (whether experienced or inexperienced with digital communications) and get more things done with greater impact, effectiveness and speed.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


Communicating virtually is convenient and a huge asset if/when we know how to use it to our best advantage—but few of us have the experience to consistently do so. Take this course to learn how to tame and leverage the digital communication tools you and your team use every day and get more things done with greater impact. In addition to practical tips and best practices, you’ll explore more in-depth topics like intergenerational communication, ensuring messages are understood and acted upon, breaking down silos, reducing cross-team dysfunction, and harnessing digital tools in every form to strengthen relationships, increase productivity and improve job satisfaction.
● Explore a wide range of digital communication systems, from internal corporate messaging apps like Slack or MS Teams to external channels
● Recognize how different generations communicate (style, tone, modality, speed of response, and more)
● Learn how interpersonal relationships affect digital communications (and vice versa)
● Explore best practices for using digital communication methods for multiple purposes
● Take actions to ensure your messages will be read and acted upon
● Discover best practices for attending video meetings or leaving video messages (digital body language)
1. Assessing the effective and ineffective uses of your organization’s communication modalities

2. Recognizing how virtual communication tools in the workplace draw different types of users

3. Exploring how communicating cross-generationally can strengthen interpersonal relationships within workplace teams

4. Identifying best practices for using short message technology

5. Understanding the importance of context setting in virtual messaging

6. Determining the needs of your audience and the best message modality for communicating with them

7. Exploring best practices for different virtual communication modalities

8. Troubleshooting and finding solutions when things go wrong in virtual communications

9. Determining preferences, choices for, and usage of different modalities for different scenarios

10. Discussing how virtual communication systems can be used for multiple purposes

11. Practicing and applying skills learned to your virtual workplace technology using typical scenarios

12. Creating your virtual communication plan

※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
・We may jointly use personal information with our subsidiary Quintegral Ltd. for the purpose of providing our training services and events.