How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility in English
期間 |
2日間 |
時間 |
9:30~17:30 |
価格(税込) | 154,000円(税込) |
主催 |
形式 |
講義+演習 |
コースコード |
AMC0125R |
- 14 PDU (Power Skills)
This course is delivered in English.
対象者 |
・Business professionals who want the skills to communicate in a positive, professional manner no matter what the situation.
前提条件 |
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher
Be a consistently professional communicator—even in difficult circumstances
How well you communicate can make or break your professional image. It directly influences how others view your work and performance—as well as your prospects for career advancement and mobility. Unfortunately, being diplomatic, tactful and credible doesn’t always come naturally to people. Even when it does, such communication can easily be derailed by emotions and conflicts. To be a communicator who is skilled in all three areas, it takes awareness, training and the know-how to apply proven techniques to all kinds of situations. This seminar will teach you how to choose and use the most appropriate words and emotional tone for every business interaction. You will gain insights into your communication style and the styles of others, while building skills to clearly and effectively receive and transmit information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and needs.
● Apply diplomacy and tact to be a credible and effective communicator ● Manage the impact your communications have on your image ● Define and leverage your communication style ● Develop and demonstrate better listening skills ● Understand the importance of perceptions ● Explore communication style differences and learn to flex your own style ● Recognize the impact of stress on communications and be able to adjust for it ● Know what makes effective, powerful communication and develop the skills to model it
1. The Importance of Perception
2. Communication Style Differences
3. Effective and Powerful Communication
4. Effective Listening Skills
5. Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility
Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.
・本研修は、クインテグラル株式会社の主催コースです。 ・本研修の申込後、締切日を過ぎたキャンセル、日程変更はキャンセル料として受講料の全額をお支払いいただきます。 ・締切日の設定は以下の通りです。締切日が当社休業日の場合は、直前の営業日までとなります。 キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前 日程変更は同一コースにつき1回限りです。
・We may jointly use personal information with our subsidiary Quintegral Ltd,. for the purpose of providing our training services and events. |