Building a Culture of Innovation for Hybrid and Virtual Teams ~Successfully drive innovation in flexible work environments~
期間 |
2日間 |
時間 |
9:30~17:30 |
価格(税込) | 154,000円(税込) |
主催 |
形式 |
講義+演習 |
コースコード |
AMC0201R |
- 14 PDU (Power Skills)
This course is delivered in English.
対象者 |
・Team leaders and other professionals working in hybrid, virtual or flexible work environments, and those who need effective solutions to help them collaborate and innovate with greater success.
前提条件 |
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher □Pre-Assignment Required
The modern workplace is here! For leaders like you whose team is co-located, remote or a combination, you’ve got to be ready to implement the next set of actions to build a culture in which innovation, creativity and collaboration can thrive regardless of any physical boundaries separating employees. Take charge and explore what’s possible for you in this course.
● Get familiar with the science connecting team dynamics and innovation ● Identify current drivers and barriers to innovation and their implications ● Enhance your leadership role in reimagining a new culture of innovation ● Develop an implementation plan for your team or organization
1. Exploring the types of culture that lead to innovation
2. Recognizing the factors that undermine or kill creativity
3. Exploring the role of leaders in shaping the culture
4. Leveraging social capital for innovation culture in hybrid teams
※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.
・本研修は、クインテグラル株式会社の主催コースです。 ・本研修の申込後、締切日を過ぎたキャンセル、日程変更はキャンセル料として受講料の全額をお支払いいただきます。 ・締切日の設定は以下の通りです。締切日が当社休業日の場合は、直前の営業日までとなります。 キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前 日程変更は同一コースにつき1回限りです。
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