ホーム > Adaptability: The Key for Mastering Change ~Learn to transform your mindset to manage and embrace change~

Adaptability: The Key for Mastering Change ~Learn to transform your mindset to manage and embrace change~

期間  1日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込)  77,000円(税込) 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0202R


  • 7 PDU (Power Skills)
日程 会場 空席状況 実施状況 選択

2025年3月7日(金) ~ 2025年3月7日(金)



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This course is delivered in English.


Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.


・Managers, leaders and individual contributors who are trying to deal with changing environments—and need to adapt their approaches so they can manage work effectively and better support their teams.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


Adjusting and re-adjusting to a business environment that is constantly changing can feel like a never-ending struggle. Without specific skills to adapt, your productivity, morale and business results can be adversely impacted. You first need to recognize your responses to your environment—and then learn how to adapt your mindset accordingly.

This workshop explores ways to develop great adaptability through emotional intelligence and mindset. Using specific steps, tools and techniques, you’ll analyze your present mindset and be able to adapt it, in order to see change as a positive force. You also examine and learn to better understand your present organizational culture, embrace new strategies to transform your approach to work, and achieve desired outcomes.
● Discover how emotional intelligence can help you deal with change
● Explore unlearning as a way of learning
● Develop greater comfort when facing unfamiliar situations
● Improve your ability to communicate your struggles and be more willing to adapt
1. Learning Objectives
  - Identify Your Organization’s Culture to Understand the Challenges
  - Discover Adaptability Within the Elements of Emotional Intelligence
  - Recognize the Difference Between a Growth and a Fixed Mindset
  - Apply a Socio-emotional Brain-based Model for Professional Transformation and Lasting Behavioral Change
  - Predict Outcomes with Existing Knowledge to Expand Options for Response
  - Expand Your Safe Zone and Communicate Your Needs as Well as Your Willingness to Adapt

2. Acknowledge the Interplay of Change, Adaptability, and Organizational Culture
  - Describe the Culture of the Organization
  - Review Change Practices Within that Organizational Structure
  - Detail Pertinent Approaches to Change, Transformation, and Adaptability
  - Predict Outcomes and Expand Options for Change

3. Discover and Access Brain-based Adaptability
  - Describe How Emotions Are Brain-based
  - Apply Emotional Self-awareness to the Development of Resilience and Adaptability
  - Detail the Interdependencies Between Emotion, Self-talk, and Physical Response
  - Address Paradigms, Perceptions, and Self-inflicted Stress
  - Discover the Formation of Habits and How to Rewire the Brain to New Behaviors

4. Plan Adaptability and Communication
  - Discover Communication Style Preferences
  - Apply Active and Reflective Listening
  - Communicate Your Needs and Challenges with Tact and Clarity

5. Transform, Transition, and Act
  - Create a Personal/Professional Adaptability Plan
  - Create a Team-based Adaptability Plan
  - Action Plan for Future Implementation of Adaptability Skills

※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
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