ホーム > Moving from Inclusion to Belonging: How to Shift from Intent to Impact ~Take diversity, equity and inclusion to the next level~

Moving from Inclusion to Belonging: How to Shift from Intent to Impact ~Take diversity, equity and inclusion to the next level~

期間  1日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込)  71,500円(税込) 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0203R


  • 7 PDU (Power Skills)
日程 会場 空席状況 実施状況 選択

2025年4月11日(金) ~ 2025年4月11日(金)



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This course is delivered in English.


Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.


Champions of diversity, inclusion and equity at every level within organizations who aspire to initiate a corporate belongingness mandate.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


If you’ve ever worked for an organization driven by camaraderie, collaboration and purpose, you know the magic of belonging. A sense of belonging enables all these things, while its absence exacts a cost. This workshop teaches how belonging is an invaluable next step for organizations creating diverse, inclusive and equitable workplaces. This science-based program explores current trends in belongingness and provides attendees with the framework for creating a “belongingness culture” that unlocks the individual and collective potential of employees and allows them to contribute their very best.
● Learn the process for initiating a belongingness mandate
● Create an inclusive workplace that fosters belonging
● Explore ways to overcome barriers to embracing acceptance and inclusion
● Promote belongingness across remote and flexible work environments
1. Learning Objectives
  - Understand What Belonging Is and Why It Is Important to Organizations
  - Identify the Beliefs, Myths and Perceptions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
  - Discover the Impact of Exclusion and the Business Imperative for Inclusion
  - Understand the Science for Belongingness to Thrive in Organizations
  - Assess the Current State of Belongingness in Your Organization
  - Leverage the Power Structure Drivers in Organizations That Create a Culture of Belongingness
  - Develop an Authentic Culture of Belongingness at Work

2. What Is Belonging?
  - Define What Makes up Belonging
  - Identify the Beliefs, Myths, and Perceptions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
  - Understand the Strengths and Limitations of These Beliefs and Perceptions on the Current Conversation

3. The People and Business Imperative for Belonging
  - Identify Current Drivers for Belongingness
  - Understand the Cost of Exclusion
  - Create an Environment That Fosters Belonging

4. The Science Behind Belongingness
  - Understand the Science Behind Belonging
  - Understand How the Brain Processes Exclusion and the Impact on Behavior
  - Understand Psychological Safety and Its Impact on Behavior

5. The Power Behind a Culture of Belonging in Organizations
  - Recognize Influences and Power Structures at Work
  - Understand the Power Structure of Influencers that Create a Culture of Belongingness
  - Identify How You Can Influence Power Structure Drivers to Develop a Workplace of Belonging

6. Beyond the Offer Letter: Laying the Foundation for Belongingness
  - Recognize the Current Reality in Employing Belongingness at Work
  - Assess the Onboarding Experience
  - Identify Ways of Creating a Workplace of Inclusion to Foster Belongingness in the Workplace

7. Evolving from Intent to Impact: Developing a Competency of Belonging
  - Take Ownership of Developing a Culture of Belongingness in the Workplace
  - Distill and Build Your Learning Through a Final Activity

※ Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
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