ホーム > Storytelling Power in English: Secrets for Exceptional Communication

Storytelling Power in English: Secrets for Exceptional Communication

期間  2日間 時間  9:30~17:30
価格(税込)  154,000円(税込) 主催  クインテグラル株式会社
形式  講義+演習 コースコード  AMC0135R


  • 14 PDU (Power Skills)


This course is delivered in English. 


【This course can be delivered online as well using Zoom.】

If the below sign is shown in the “Venue (会場)” column, the seminar will be delivered online and accessible from your office or home PC or tablet.

  会場 “Live Online"

Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.

  • オンラインLive:受講者の方はオンラインのみとなります。



・Business professionals at all levels, including salespeople, marketers and anyone looking for an innovative and fresh way to stimulate and engage others, in order to get the outcomes they want.
□TOEIC Score 650 or Higher


Engage and convince others to be passionate about your ideas.

Great stories can move mountains. The best storytellers have the power to persuade people to get behind an idea and give it their total support. Yet the ability to relay a story that people can connect with, are persuaded by and feel passionately about is a rare skill. This seminar will show you how to craft engaging and motivating stories that can spark commitment and passion throughout your organization—and grow your professional influence. Get ready to create your most inspiring messages and convey them with true conviction.
● Use compelling stories to appeal to listeners’ emotions and drive your points home
● Relay information in an experiential manner for greater impact and understanding
● Make a more powerful impression in meetings and presentations
● Win over, influence and gain the trust of clients, customers and colleagues
● Engage listeners with stories that naturally lead them to reach the conclusions you want them to reach
1. Developing the mental agility to alternate between objective (facts) and subjective (storytelling)

2. Building a bridge of trust with your listeners to carry your facts, proof and benefit messages

3. Learning six kinds of stories: who I am, why I am here, my vision, my values-in-action, teaching and I know what you’re thinking

4. Practicing the six principles of how to construct a story: developmental logic, oral language, intention, imagery, participation vs. control and point of view

5. Developing, testing and telling stories that suit the situation

Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.


キャンセル:コース開始日の16日前 日程変更/受講者変更:コース開始日の3営業日前
・We may jointly use personal information with our subsidiary Quintegral Ltd,. for the purpose of providing our training services and events.